
The Best of April Fool’s

Who doesn’t love a good April Fool’s joke? Many brands consistently spend creative time and energy to be relevant to the “holiday.” Of course, this is an area in which

The Importance of Your Social Media

Background of famous social media icons

Social media can make or break your campaign, your brand, your business. Even a cursory glance at major brand gaffes (just scroll through Twitter the day an important figure passes) … Read More >>

Welcome Ella Jane!


Join us in welcoming Ella Jane – she is our new marketing assistant and also heading up business development for our Business Leadership Series and Thought Leadership Podcast.

Ella Jane …

Some Hefty Humor

Close up pile of black garbage bags
Trash bags aren’t exactly a glamorous sell. However, that is no reason to shy away from humor and a celebrity spokesperson. Following in the tradition of most commercials these days

The Shiny Snapchat

Thrive_Snapchat Filter_Block St Party
“Snapchat is a shiny object right now” said one marketer. For marketing, this is particularly true. 14 companies have purchased Snapchat lenses in a little over a month. And while

The Pressures and Successes of Cannes

Cannes France City Skyline Vector Background Flat

Cannes is highly competitive, highly prestigious and the creme de la creme only attend and are awarded. The Young Lion competition doesn’t just celebrate or award creativity; no, they take … Read More >>

Good Humor for the Heat

chocolate icelolly
It’s summer, it’s hot, and there is nothing more iconic than ice cream as a way to beat the heat and have a treat (see what we did there?) The

Verizon vs. Sprint

Verizon Wireless
In the ever competitive world of technology, cell phone carriers are known for duking it out for customers. Sprint just stole former Verizon spokesperson Paul Marcarelli as their own new

3-Second Magic


In case you don’t follow the NBA, Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors is something of a Unicorn. (A Unicorn is that individual who composes so many talents … Read More >>

Under Armour’s Moving Spot

Butterfly stroke swimming
Under Armour has produced several new spots with the motto “It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light” and showcases a few athletes who grind