
What Your Account Manager Does

Team work. New product researching. Startup crew
Contributed by Alyssa Peiser
In the marketing world – agency, marketing, account manager, account executive – they can all mean 10 different things. So we’d like to break it down

Shake Things Up

Fried chicken in big red white stripes bucket box
You might not think that having an ever-changing spokesperson could pay off for your brand – who do the consumers identify with? Who is showing loyalty to the brand? Is

Our Reputation Management Service

Reputation Management shows you what people are saying about your business, improves your visibility in local search and provides progress reports.

There are five main components to Reputation Management:

Derek’s Latest Huffington Post Article

purpose concept on signpost

Check out Derek Champagne’s latest Huffington Post article about Michael McGreevy’s inspiring story of overcoming tragedy for a purpose filled life!

Click through to Huffington Post.

Christmas Party!

15370067_10154745953269035_6285016761789844723_oWe enjoyed our annual Christmas party at Mermaids – always a fun time of food, friends and our annual gift card exchange!

Snapbots and Customer Satisfaction

popular social media icons
Snapchat’s latest venture in engagement is coming through “Bot Landings” – vending type machines that drop into town for a day and leave the next. These “Snapbots” do in fact

Facebook “Is Not a Media Company”?

Facebook phoneFacebook recently made the change in their “trending” section – as a result of firing their editorial team. Note: not some or even many, but ALL the editorial team. The

The Creative 100

AT&T Store
You probably know her as the “AT&T girl,” which isn’t false, but it is only one tiny part of the many talents of Milana Vayntrub. As Adweek celebrates their Creative

The Shiny Snapchat

Thrive_Snapchat Filter_Block St Party
“Snapchat is a shiny object right now” said one marketer. For marketing, this is particularly true. 14 companies have purchased Snapchat lenses in a little over a month. And while

The Pressures and Successes of Cannes

Cannes France City Skyline Vector Background Flat

Cannes is highly competitive, highly prestigious and the creme de la creme only attend and are awarded. The Young Lion competition doesn’t just celebrate or award creativity; no, they take … Read More >>