Welcome to Our New Sales and Operations Manager

The Artist Evolution would like to welcome Kim Jennings-Eckert to our team! Kim recently began working with us as the Sales and Operations Manager. Kim has 10 years of background experience in information technology and operations and seven years’ experience in multi-state sales management. She has a passion for the arts, and combines the experience of a successful sales background with a creative out­of­the­box approach. We are excited to grow while upholding our core values of being customer-focused.

Derek Champagne to Speak to University of Arkansas Students

Derek Champagne will be one of the community leaders to guest lecture at Social Media Marketing and Integrated Marketing Communications classes at the University of AR this fall. Champagne has studied and implemented marketing strategies for more than 20 years.

The Importance of Break Rooms

  Company break rooms are an important feature of the office work space. The essentials that Inc. features in their article range from simple (free coffee) to slightly higher end (televisions).  Depending on what kind of office setting you have, some of these are more reasonable than others, but the general idea behind all of them—higher employee productivity and higher levels of worker satisfaction—is the same. http://www.inc.com/jayson-demers/10-essentials-of-the-most-successful-companies-break-rooms.html?cid=sf01002

Ikea’s Creativity Abounds

  Ikea has been putting out some decidedly creative ads lately. The housing retailer (the largest in the world) has a proficient number of followers across all forms of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). This ad makes fun of technology tongue-in-cheek (despite Ikea being equally hip and popular with the tech-literate crowd), and this marketing stunt is both memorable and fun. Check out this snapshot of the brand’s reach, some insights from one of their chief marketing officers, and, if you don’t know a thing about the formidable company, catch up on a few fast facts. http://www.adweek.com/news/advertising-branding/brand-day-how-ikea-brings-design-ideas-life-social-160017

How to be Successful with Lazy Branding

  Newcastle is at it again. Lazy branding, that is. Their new effort takes fan photos and uses poor photo shopping to create ads that are both amusing and engaging. Earlier this year, actress Anna Kendrick was angry because Newcastle promised her a spot in their Super Bowl ad, but then supposedly ran out of money (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5xrl8cb3fw). They followed that up with their “fumbled” July 4 ads (https://theartistevolution.info/fumbling-product-name-to-boost-product-effective-marketing/). Their self-deprecating, casual tone keeps them down to earth and by asking for fan photos to then make “into obvious, exaggerated, poorly executed ads,” they engage with their base in a creative…



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