Taylor Swift Teams up with Apple Music

There’s just something funny about watching people fall. It is an unfortunate but universal truth. Taylor Swift, social media maven and pop star extraordinaire lends both her quirky-yet-likable social posting skills and many followers to help boost Apple Music. While one can’t imagine that Taylor actually performs this stunt, when she posted about it, she claimed it was based on true events. As many have noticed, the spot seems almost ironic, considering Apple and Swift were engaged in a feud over streaming services. Either way, the spot is memorable and fun. See below: http://www.adweek.com/news/technology/taylor-swift-falls-instagrams-60-second-ad-format-amusing-apple-music-spot-170583

Enjoy the Chase

You might not think of all the heavy lifting and grueling workouts that go into being a golfer, but Pro Rory McIlroy shows us day after day the pace and intensity with which he trains in the latest Nike ad. This sort of spot is nothing new for Nike and the theme of repetition and consistency required to succeed isn’t exactly novel, but that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable to watch or any less true. And, for anyone who knows a serious golfer, they know golfer’s personalities often fit the pacing and rigidity this particular spot embodies. Nike also…

Under Armour’s Moving Spot

Under Armour has produced several new spots with the motto “It’s what you do in the dark that puts you in the light” and showcases a few athletes who grind it out daily and intensely to achieve their dreams of success. All the spots accurately detail  in-depth the work and passion that goes into making a successful Olympic career – including the sacrifices. Watch the moving spots here: http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/michael-phelps-returns-one-last-swim-under-armours-haunting-new-ad-170054

The Celebrity Factor

Being a celebrity means you can lend your name to a variety of projects and automatically up the cool factor, the consumption of, and the success of what ever product or cause you are backing. Sometimes, the success of celebrity (typically in the form of a person, but also the success of a tv show or product placement) can launch what was once no-name venture into the throes of the spotlight or at the very least, increased sales. One such example of celebrity is Mark Wahlberg and his family's venture, "Wahlburgers," a hamburger chain with multiple locations across the US…

“Maker Culture”

Hipster culture is alive and thriving, but not everybody is happy about it. In an age and culture of Instagram, Snapchat and other social media platforms, sharing minute details like what one had for breakfast is as popular as a company detailing their handmade beer/furniture/clothes/fill-in-the-blank. One Copywriter decided to put his own spin on the “maker culture” and in doing so created a hilarious parody. Even for someone who appreciates the handmade/hand-crafted culture, there is no denying the humor here. Source: http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/if-youre-sick-and-tired-hipstery-maker-culture-watch-hilarious-video-now-169739



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