The Pressures and Successes of Cannes

Cannes is highly competitive, highly prestigious and the creme de la creme only attend and are awarded. The Young Lion competition doesn't just celebrate or award creativity; no, they take it one step farther and have competitors completely write, film and present a 60-second film for a non-profit, all within 48 hours. If you ever pulled an all-nighter to finish a college paper, it is kind of like that, on steroids and (perhaps) infinitely more pressure. The winners of this year's competition rose to the task and created a piece that speaks for the UN's Sustainable Development Goals initiative. Watch…

Good Humor for the Heat

It’s summer, it’s hot, and there is nothing more iconic than ice cream as a way to beat the heat and have a treat (see what we did there?) The Good Humor ice cream bar on a stick has been around for nearly a century and it is delighting customers a much now as it was when it was sold from a truck by a man in a white uniform and black bowtie. The bar was born first by adding a hard chocolate shell and developed further still when the wooden stick was added to keep consumer’s hands clean(er). We…

Chobani Goes for a Dip

A lot of people like to live healthy and eat healthy. Chobani is capitalizing on the new wave of healthy eating by providing a new brand of dips – that are not only healthier than traditional dips (that everyone knows are unhealthy), but also healthier than traditional healthy dips – like hummus. To launch these dips, Chobani is setting up a new social promotion – houses in NYC that have walls (literally) made of vegetables (aka – the perfect thing to sink into the new dips). Cleverly, this promo’s winner gets to enjoy the veggie-wall house over the July 4th weekend…

Verizon vs. Sprint

In the ever competitive world of technology, cell phone carriers are known for duking it out for customers. Sprint just stole former Verizon spokesperson Paul Marcarelli as their own new spokesperson. Not only is it a victory (think "delicious backstabbing" as our source puts it) for Sprint, but it is a personal vindication for Marcarelli - who according to him - was ill-treated by his former employer. The jabs are obvious, but that's what makes it so shockingly fun - no subtle competitiveness here. Watch the spot and read more about the experiences of Marcarelli as spokesperson:

The Brave Cut

Nowadays, any sort of awareness raising takes to social media. Whether or not it is a success (think the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge) or not can often depend on who picks it up and makes it go viral. For cancer patients in Romania, they ended up on the viral end of a campaign - and the results are beautiful. Perhaps the  most noticeable side affect of cancer treatment is hair loss - and in Romania, there has been little to no awareness about donating hair for wigs. Instead of asking women to chop of all their hair, a new trend…



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