Why Strategic Marketing Campaigns?
The business and advertising landscape looks very different than it did even a decade ago, and is almost unrecognizable from the days when television, print, and radio dominated. Last decade it was pretty much understood that a business should get online, or should have a business model built entirely around the internet. These days however, there are so many different media channels and approaches that a business must take into account, and pretty much none of them are “fire and forget” or “spray and pray” the way traditional media sources are usually characterized. Let’s examine why an advertising campaign needs a custom strategy in order to find success in this new media world.
Why Strategic Marketing Campaigns?
It is no secret that Facebook is important: roughly one in every 7 people on the earth has a profile and the site has accumulated 1.13 trillion “likes.” It is so huge that Google’s new algorithm strategies are centered on trying to win back some of that market share and even make Google+ instrumental in rankings. On top of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkIn, and even Pinterest are becoming instrumental in sustaining a business. Rather than put all eggs in one basket, a business needs to intelligently use all of these channels in the right combinations in order to multiply the benefits of each.
A business needs to know who its customers are, and in this day and age the customers actually get a lot of value out of letting you know who they are. Rather than approaching a customer base as a group painted with a broad brush, our technologies allow us to get an extremely detailed picture of who a customer is. It also gives us much better abilities to maintain relationships with those customers. However, social media is a constantly shifting, consta ntly moving target and it takes a committed smart strategy to keep customers engaged.
The Artist Evolution LLC has expertise in creating campaigns tailored to your unique needs.