Why Marketing Matters

Closeup Group Young Coworkers Together Discussing Creative Project During Work

Contributed by Alyssa Peiser

There isn’t much doubt that marketing matters immensely for your brand, your business, your end-of-year numbers. It is why major brands pay the big bucks for Super Bowl spots or why you get postcards in the mail about the new dental clinic opening near you. It is why huge amounts of market research and psychology is applied to figuring out which color is most apt to make you hungry (think the red and yellow of McDonalds) or the soothe you (like the cool blue tones found in a lot of medical offices).

But WHY does it matter? One step further, why do we believe it is important for us to help you with it? So glad you asked!

We stake our mission on the belief that marketing matters – and that it is never just one piece of the “marketing pie”– that it is a holistic effort. We build out plans centered on this idea – that each piece has a function and they all work together to create what you are interested in: results. And we know that “results” mean different things to different clients. Not everybody is trying to get clients running to their doors – although that might be what you need. It could be you just need brand consistency or sharing the work you do in the community that makes you relevant.

This belief that marketing matters is why we spend weeks researching your target, your niche; your competitors and how you can be unique; your strengths and weaknesses (a standard SWOTT analysis). This plan becomes your marketing “Bible” and we always refer to it for recommendations on how to best drive campaigns forward – campaigns we believe in and painstakingly researched for effectiveness.

As mentioned earlier – we don’t think that one marketing effort will be your “be all, end all.” There is much value in an approach that hits your target at multiple points in a variety of ways. The more times and ways they engage with your brand, the more likely they are to respond. Facebook/social media alone will not get your brand where you want. Does it have immense value? YES. We push and run multiple social campaigns each day, but we see it as one part of many in bringing you success. The various marketing methods, we find, are interdependent on one another.

A small example: your company participates in a new, cutting-edge aspect of your field. Our team kicks in to action: our team writes a press release and sends out on your behalf, we post the photo of your team engaging with said aspect on Facebook, a Q&A blog is written with you, the owner of the company, explaining the process – which is then shared to FB, LinkedIn, Twitter. And that is just the front-end evidence: every piece of content you disseminate raises your SEO value, drives people back to your website and brand, and it boosts your Google search rankings. So one thing turned into several things that provide value to you and at the end, we can provide you metrics with how

Another example: you have a promotion you want to run. Our team designs out a flyer, Facebook ads and a direct mail campaign. We assemble a street team to pass out flyers, we run the FB ads for you, we print and work with mailing partners to send out the postcards. We send out an eblast through local Chambers or to your curated list. And just like the previous example, we write a blog and promote.

Remember when I asked why we believe it is important for us to help you? Take those two examples above: there are several moving parts to pulling off a successful campaign. Your job is your primary focus, which leaves us to do OUR job: which is help you grow your business according to your goals. We like to say here “we are small, but mighty” – which isn’t to emphasize our size; but rather, to let you know – we are here to be your right hand marketing team that goes out, and gets it done so you can do your thing.

We are a dedicated, focused and solutions oriented team that not only finds value in marketing – but whose goal is to help you utilize it in the way that makes the most sense for you.

Marketing matters. Our clients matter. Our mission is to bring those two together, every day.