Carl’s Jr. Classes it Up

fresh tasty burger

We have to say, Carl Jr’s is not a brand that usually overly impresses – they are well-known for their overly cheeky (no pun intended), less than tasteful ads, which have often featured half-naked women and provocative set-ups. Perhaps as a way of shedding themselves of this association or in light of a more heightened focus globally on women’s rights and respect (likely both), the brand is moving in a new direction and their new ad finds a way to do this in a humorous manner.

Carl Hardee Sr. (fictional) returns to get the brand back in order after his son has let things slide into their current state. It isn’t based on any real life scenario, but it does mark the whipping into shape of a brand – which doesn’t just feature new ads, but packaging and uniforms.

The brand now focuses on the food itself – not the girl holding it. While 72andSunny, the company which created the new ad, indicates this shift is because the food was getting lost in the message delivery, some would view that as obvious and the shift as long overdue. In any case, we applaud the brand for totally changing up their direction and focusing on the whole point of their brand: the burgers.

View the full spot here: