Social Media Networking Marketing – Why Today It’s THE BEST Marketing Tool
People have no time for in-person socializing nowadays. The days have shrunk and the stress has increased exponentially. There is more to do, people are more competitive, they travel more, they work more – and have less and less time for friends, friendly banter, updates, personal sharing, and so on.
Enter the smart phone – and a new world has opened up. Social media has already made up, to a large extent, for the scarcity of time. It is fun to tweet on Twitter, update your status on Facebook, and so on – and most people try their best to squeeze in a small window of “fun time” whether at work or at home to just “catch up with the guys.”
With the entry of the smart phone, whose price is steadily falling as its features are getting enhanced, one can enjoy “catching up with the guys” whenever they want. Most people network while commuting, before going to sleep, and so on. People today love to access the Net over their smart phones as it is easy, convenient, fast, and cheap.
Social Networking as a Marketing Medium
Did you know that, today, more than 80% people own two cell phones in the United States. Of all those about 51% are smart phone users. People who buy smart phones use it for email (64%), accessing social networks (60%), and getting information (54%). A great majority are using their smart phones for shopping while commuting to and fro from the workplace, before retiring to bed, and during breaks. It is especially easy to shop online with the smart phone.
Social networking is already a popular way of sharing information – especially about products and services – and with the emergence of new technology, it has become exceedingly easy to recommend, inquire, settle doubts, seek information, etc. about almost anything. A good majority of the people who use their smart phones for searches seek information about local businesses such as restaurants, shopping outlets, cinema halls, and so on.
The smart phone is growing rapidly in popularity because it is exceedingly convenient to use. Considering that 64% of these people access social networking sites and the number is rapidly growing it is impossible not to see the growing importance of this medium in marketing. Poking, messaging, sharing, and generally sharing information has suddenly become super easy and super fast.