Google Plus – Where Social Meets Search Engine Optimization
It was inevitable, and now it’s here. Google rewards search engine optimization techniques that involve social signals. In particular, Google+ users benefit from the display of their profile in search engine listings. The result is increased click through rates to the destination site.
Google Plus authorship – Links your Google+ profile to any content that you publish on the web. You can link content on your own website. You can also link your published works on third party sites. This is an unprecedented advantage that should not be passed over.
Today, your Google+ profile details can be displayed within search engine listings. Here’s what others can see:
- Your profile picture
- Your first and last name
- The number of people in your Google+ circles
- A link to more of your published works
This has powerful psychological effects. People respond to faces. It is an established fact in neuromarketing and like disciplines. Google understands this, and their terms of service reflects that. They highly frown upon the use of logos as the Google+ profile picture.
By just viewing your picture, searchers can learn a lot about you. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. They can instantly know if you are an avid content publisher, which means you should be. They can see how well you play with others by the number of people in your circles. If you are connected to a lot of people, then you must be a likable person, right?
Google Plus is still in its infancy, but it is gaining ground. This is your opportunity to take advantage of these free social signals that result in more traffic to your website. Trust and authority have always been the high achievements of marketing. Now, you have it at your finger tips.
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