Top 5 Funny Brands to Follow

Why do we choose the brands we follow on social media? Some people follow brands because they share informative content specific to the reader, or because it is an opportunity for the reader to receive special promotions. But sometimes we choose to follow specific brands because of humor and brand personality. I recently came across a few brands that were really using social media to show off their personality while becoming a lovable brand. This can create a value all on its own. Think about some of the funny brands you may follow. I am sure you may have shared some of their updates with your own network. These types of posts can be very beneficial because they encourage sharing.

The next time you are creating your brand’s social media updates, try incorporating some humor. Here are my top 5 funny brands to follow: (pulled from this Hubspot article.)


Taco Bell



IMPACT Branding & Design



Contributed by: Angelina Bowen

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