Video Ads on the Rise

Video ads are quickly becoming the hot new way to advertise. According to eMarketer, $700 million was spent on programmatic video in 2014. They take a little work, but with the right approach, video marketing can produce conversions quickly. Here are a few tips from Mashable:

  1. Define goals. Because video ads are interactive (you can click through immediately), you need to know who your audience is, what you want that audience to do when they see your ads (like a Facebook page? Visit your website? Sign up for a blog?).
  2. Utilize social media. This may seem obvious, but videos are easily viewed and shared via social media websites – spreading your content quickly and fairly easily.
  3. Focus on Formatting. Just like a mobile version of a website – your video ad needs to be formatted to work on a variety of viewing devices (phone, computer, etc.)

Read about these in more detail and see more tips at