Social Media Marketing Predictions presents predictions for Social Media marketing in 2014. Read about all 8 predictions at We share our favorite 5 here:

1. A New Strategy for Facebook: Marketing on social media will be highly focused in on the customer and providing content that is both useful and interesting. Blogs are a key way to drive traffic.

2. The Return of Paid Advertising and Sponsorship: Marketing companies will no longer be able to use social media as a means of free advertising. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are looking to charge for these services.

3. A Shift in Storytelling: Companies will have to find a way to adjust both their marketing strategy and adjust their organization so that they can shift the focus of their brand to tell their story. Doing this will build relationships instead of just producing transactions.

4. Pay to Play: Platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn will begin providing special features, but only to those who are willing to pay for it. If you aren’t willing to pay,  you will be a step behind your competitors.

5. Employee Advocacy: Employees will become advocates for their companies. By each individual using their sphere of influence and social network, they will be building their company’s brand.