First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail (best email for contacting you) *
Your Phone Number *
Your Title *
Your Company *
Company Website
What Stage of Business Development Are You In? * Already in Marketplace Ready to Launch Currently Exploring Market Opportunity
What Development Areas Are You Interested In Exploring? (hold command to select multiple) * Marketing Plan Brand Development Marketing Tools (Website / Design / Video / etc.) Ongoing Campaign Management
Do you face any kinds of challenges or desires for improvement with your existing marketing strategy and/or "heavy lifting" support for your campaigns from internal team/external partners? *
Who Are Your Top 3 Target Customers? *
What are the top 3 benefits of your service or product? *
What does your customer/community currently think of your product or service? *
What is the single most important thing you want your target customer to know about you? *
What moods, emotions, adjectives, or phrases would you use to describe your product or service? *
Does your existing brand and materials (website, brochures, etc) match the quality of service you provide? *
How is your current marketing managed? * In House Marketing Agency Other None
Do you have a sufficient team that is making 1st downs for all marketing objectives? Or are you stretched thin/overworked? * Meeting Objectives Somewhat Effective Not Effective I Do Not Have a Marketing Plan
Do you currently utilize agency support? * Yes No
If Yes (above), what type of support and what is your experience?
Do you face any kinds of challenges or desires for improvement with your existing marketing strategy and/or "heavy lifting" support for your campaigns from internal team/external partners? *
What kind of marketing campaigns are you wanting to explore? * Local Regional National Not Sure
What type of ongoing marketing does your company do? (select all that apply) * External Internal Ongoing PR / Community Outreach Other None
Do you use traditional media such as TV/print/radio/similar? * Yes No
Are there any other areas where you would like to improve?
If you are with an agency, how happy are you with the level of service and quality of deliverables? * Very happy Somewhat Happy Not Happy Not With An Agency
What is your estimate of your current marketing budget? (Ads, gifts, website, incentives, etc.) * $0 - $5000 $5000 - $15000 $15000 - $30000 $30000 - $50000 $50000 - above Not Sure
Would you find value in a responsive/smaller/talented agency that is motivated to give personal attention and provide quality work, energetic attitudes and meet deliverables? * Yes - I would like to receive a consultation Maybe - I am curious but not ready to make a change No - I am happy with my current situation
How did you hear about us? * Website Search Engine Podcast Social Media Referral Print/Magazine Radio TV Enewsletter Other